Be Still and Know...
I suddenly wondered something. So I Googled it. And you know what’s interesting? According to this research, about 18 million U.S. adults...

Taking Care of You is Taking Care of Them: Defying the Black Superwoman Syndrome
Success Stories: On-Call Editing is proud to help first-time authors to release their creations into the world. So proud, in fact, that...

Your Money or Your Life?
My dear friends, this is what I know for a fact because I have done it and will do it again if I determine I need to. Money is not a good...

Before I Start with My Business Coach...
I'm getting ready to do something new. Well, no. Not new necessarily. Maybe it's more like I'm working on doing things better. So, I'm...

Here's the Thing About Trademarking Books
A couple of months ago, one of my clients had heard that she would need to trademark her new book and she asked me if I knew that to be...

No Solopreneur Is an Island
The past few weeks have found me greatly focused on VA's. (Virtual assistants for those not yet in the know.) When I decided to grow my...

Olly Olly Oxen Freelancers!
When I first had the thought to turn my freelancing into a full business, I thought about me, myself, and I helping people in a variety...

Jarring Jargon
I should have blogged four days ago, but this is the eternal struggle of a (temporarily) solopreneur – working IN your business while...

What I Learned About...My Best Marketing Strategy
I decided that one way to make it clear when I am talking specifically about business learnings - for the sake of anyone who is looking...

The Brand of Me
There's been a lot of talk of branding going on in my world. Colors and logos and fonts and the feel of things; target markets, avatars,...