Be Still and Know...
I suddenly wondered something. So I Googled it. And you know what’s interesting? According to this research, about 18 million U.S. adults...

Your Money or Your Life?
My dear friends, this is what I know for a fact because I have done it and will do it again if I determine I need to. Money is not a good...

Stay in Your Lane
Most of the time I’m pretty optimistic. Ummm, maybe sarcastically so? I don’t know. I might be living in a sitcom in my head. But the...

Black Butterfly
I posted on my Facebook page recently that I feel like I have been in a cocoon all month and that I will stay that way for at least...

Mastering My Mind
Now that this blog is outlined, sorta, I can finally just start talking about what's going on today as if you’ve been along with me for...