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Lucy, Are You in Trouble?

At this moment, my brain is a muddled mess. It gets that way sometimes when I keep taking in and taking in and taking in and not fully processing. Reminds me of that I Love Lucy episode when Lucy and Ethel worked on the assembly line and they had a hard time keeping up, so they got creative. I love chocolate as much as the next redhead, but I can't have it stuffed in all the wrong places. That just becomes an uncomfortably sticky mess. Then you gotta go wash it all off and start fresh.

I'm not gonna wash off the stuff currently whirling in my brain. It's all good stuff. But I do need to slow it down for just a tick so I can get it organized because it makes me feel scattered and I hate feeling scattered. Better yet, I need to quiet it down, because the whirling vortex is comprised of voices.

Jen Sincero, whom I adore, wants me to just go for it already.

Joe Vitale, who really is creative in his delivery, wants me to clear things out first.

Napoleon Hill keeps telling me to have desire and faith above all.

Wallace Wattles...well shoot, right now I'm drawing a blank on his clarion call but he is a lot of folk's foundation, so I'm sure I do know.

Steve Pressfield wants me to remember that resistance is always at play, keeping me from doing the work.

Bob Proctor has been trying to get me to decipher my paradigm in a way nicer tone than Tony Robbins would.

And don't forget Marie Forleo, sweet as pie. She wants to help me get anything I want.

Valorie Burton is imparting mass wisdom too.

Even Les Brown got in on the action lately because there was no way he was getting left out.

Genevieve Behrend wants to know when I'm coming back because I keep re-reading page 1 of chapter 3.

Orison Swett Marden and Joseph Murphy want to know if I'm ever coming at all.

Michelle Obama wants to remind me she's on her way while Don Piper is just trying to relate his trip to heaven if I could just listen.

And these are just the distant voices of those from the pages of worthwhile books or the timbre of audio. A little closer to home are the the therapist I am no longer working with simply because my attention is currently diverted. But if the last post proved anything, it's that I can't go too long without getting back to that couch because there are issues afoot! Then there is the life coach who is not yet a regular part of things, but oh boy, she's said some good stuff so far and for sure I am gonna bring her in on a regular as soon as I can. But first I have to leave mental space for the mastermind group I think will start next week. (Still awaiting word.) And coach training? This year? That's the plan, Stan.

Let us not forget the aforementioned Courtney Sanders who has serious wisdom to drop and I am all over that. But even closer than that, with visions I may actually be able to her realize, is Natisha Willis, the creator of the Coach Ya Damn Self challenge that I am currently involved in beyond the role of carefree participant. And before there was that challenge and before I learned of Natisha's vision and thought to myself that it just may bring an opportunity a full year earlier than anticipated, there was my quiet, simple freelance editing that was crying out to be a proper full-fledged business of more of the same, but I'm seeing something bigger now and it is paving the way for me to start training to finally become the life coach I have been planning to be since the late 90's.

Is that all? Well, let's see. My son is a high school junior with a relatively new job close to home, so there is lots of talk about college, reminders to keep up his high school grades so the doors of opportunity will fly open for him and there is pleading with him to not waste the time he has to start saving just $25 per paycheck, or a month even, in some kind of good investment that could realistically make him a millionaire at a young age, but he won't listen to me! Or maybe he doesn't believe me. Hmm. Courtney is chiming in again. "Who we are is made up of what we know, what we believe and what we value." If I can convince him of what I am saying, he will know, then believe and maybe he'll want to develop that value on his own.

Then there is my social butterfly, soccer- and lacrosse-playing Girl Scout who's mind is very much on college and she's in 8th grade. It's been on college for years actually. That's why she's in select choir at school and student mentors and the yearbook and some other kind of students leaders group. And if she didn't have honors classes and get A's and B's, you might think she's overextended. But this is just her and she's managing despite my warning to not take on too much. (Who am I kidding? She's flesh of my flesh, after all.) She is as busy with her friends as she is her activities and I am constantly being informed of her social and school calendars so that I can adjust my plans accordingly.

Yes. I am married, but he works a lot and anything in the arena of school tends to fall on my plate despite my plate being already a bit packed. But everything I am doing or want to do is at least 50% because of those children God gave me. My success is their example. It simply must be. True, I've done lots of things I wanted to do and they got to see that over the years, but I'm not done yet. I want them to at least see the beginning of this next thing and I want them to be encouraged that they really do have their whole life in front of them and they really can do whatever they want, when they are ready, all at once or one after the other.

One of the ladies in my Coach Ya Damn Self leaders group, Myra, recently heard my overwhelm lament and replied, "When life starts spinning I take a cue from navigators....always find True North." And there ya go. All those stars in my sky, but only one of them is going to lead me where I want to go. Once I lay eyes on it again, I know I'll be able to appreciate the others with renewed vigor. So that's what I have to do. No worries. No stressing. No overthinking. Just look up, find my star, be still and know that He is God. I'm feeling better already. Thanks for listening.

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